品设计(Pin Design)是属于设计师与文化人的品牌,以“砂拉越内容”这个概念打造创意精品,可以作为个人收藏或游客的伴手礼。 品设计的商标概念来自中文“品”字,由三个口组成,各代表品味、品质和产品。商标中也隐藏着一个P字和D字,即Pin Design的缩写。
Pin Design (a subsidiary brand of the I-print), the design concept of the logo was originated from the handwriting Chinese word “品” (pronounced as “pin”).
The word “pin” when written in Chinese, it is formed by three squares. Each square represents good taste, good quality and good product respectively.
There is also a “pin” hidden in the logo. The spirit of the word “pin” that is composed of the three squares, encompasses the conceptual design for Sarawak culture, customs and values. Pin Design is a brand name of Sarawakian designers and artists.