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Since time immemorial, soap has been a necessity of the bathroom. Each family would have one bar for the face and one for the body. Soap bubbles were not only for washing but could also be a sign of frugality. Our grannies would always throw the leftover bar into the bucket of dirty clothes and leave it to soak overnight, while the little ones, would sneakily pick it up and start our bubble fight. As our lives have gotten easier, we’ve also come to be overwhelmed by the abundant variety of toiletries and their myriad of chemical additives. Our baths have become more elaborate, yet at the same time have lost their sense of simplicity and authenticity.

Overuse of unnatural and scented products burdens our skin. The complexity of these products has lowered our sensitivity to aromas, and the basic needs of our body have slowly been forgotten. Our hope is to retreat back to nature, allowing the elegant and simple touch of hand-made soap to awaken your skin and allow it to breathe naturally.

Our first encounter with hand-made soap was through the fantastic results we witnessed first-hand in regards to my own skin issues. I was amazed to find that my skin could recover without the use of pharmaceuticals or other medicines. Since then we have developed a passion for hand-made soaps, to the point where we’ve begun to manufacture it ourselves. The Hakka people have always been regarded as diligent when it comes to matters of the home. If someone was unwell, seeing a doctor was not usually our first solution. From the garden, our elders would pick suitable herbs to boil for drinking or to apply on the wound. With this combination of tradition and efficacy, the herbs from our garden have transformed into the ingredients for our soaps.

Every single bar of soap has been manufactured with the aim of delivering the highest standards of cleanliness and hygiene, all while being environmentally friendly. At the same time, we hope that our soaps can evoke a sense of nostalgia for a simpler time.



Alongside naturally scented oils and a variety of herbs, our special ingredients are a number of plants native to the island of Borneo. By creating a soap-free of any unnatural chemicals we are able to enjoy an environmentally friendly and natural way of living.


The process of handcrafting a soap takes at least 45 days. From stirring,  moulding, and drying, to the final step of curing the soap, each step ensures that the end product is of the highest quality.


The temperature is maintained at a level under 40°C so that the soap may retain its glycerin and be able to moisturise the skin.


Every single bar is crafted entirely by our own hands. Without machinery, each soap is made with the utmost of care. The uneven edges that result from such a process add to the rustic look of the soaps.

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